Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Your Parting Gift

A reviewer in Newsweek stated, "I cannot imagine that any sensible reader could come away from this novel unaffected and unchanged." What did you take away from reading Watership Down?


Ben said...

What I took away from watership down was knowledge of the moral that working together makes things better.

David said...

I took away from this book the moral of the story, that working with your peers together makes even a tough situation better.

Anonymous said...

What I took away from this story was the courage to stand out and say and do what you think is right. Fiver didn't hold back from telling Hazel he had his vision about the "Men coming and the hills being covered in blood!" Fiver never held back telling Hazel when he had a funny feeling about something even if nobody (aka Bigwig) wants to hear it. It made the tough situation they were in even easier because Fiver didn't hold back telling Hazel about his vision!