Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hazel as Leader

In the Sandleford warren, much emphasis was placed on hierarchy. The stronger rabbits were generally the ones in positions of power such as the Owsla. However, despite the fact that he is not the strongest rabbit in his group, Hazel becomes the Chief Rabbit. How does this come about? What leadership qualities does Hazel exhibit?


Ben said...

A leadership quality that Hazel exhibits is that he is willing to listen to other people, unlike Woundwort.

David said...

Hazel becomes the Chief Rabbit because he shows the most leadership out of the group. He also values other people's opinions and listens to people.

Anonymous said...

I think Hazel became the Chief Rabbit because he was the one that organized the leaving of the Sandleford Warren. Even though Fiver had the vision, he didn't become the Chief Rabbit because he couldn't handle the pressure since he's just a small rabbit. Hazel is a good problem solver, listener, he knows how to make everybody happy, and he's cooperative. Hazel actually listens to his followers which is a trait General Woundwort and the Threarah need. Bigwig might be the strongest rabbit in the group, but sometimes he doesn't think clearly and he acts before he can think the situation through. If the Chief Rabbit would have been chosen by brawn instead of brains, the rabbits probably wouldn't have made it to Watership Down, or at least not all of them. Hazel was a good leader and didn't leave anyone behind, no matter how weak or slow they were and you don't see many leaders act like that now-a-days.