Wednesday, April 30, 2008

General Woundworts Motiviation

Regarding the does-it's possible to imagine that Woundwort was defending his territory. However, the second battle General Woundwort wages is a premeditated attack on Watership Down with the intent to kill the rabbits or force them to return to Efrafa.

After rejecting Hazel's proposal of peace, Woundwort says, "We are going to destroy you" (p. 427). What is General Woundwort's motivation for this attack on Watership Down? How would you characterize General Woundwort?


Ben said...

General Woundwort was probably insane, but he could have done better if he agreed with Hazel. His motivation was saving face.

David said...

General Woundwort was crazy, and could have done better if he agreed with Hazel. His motivation was saving his reputation in Efrafa.

Anonymous said...

General Woundwort is crazy! He thinks there's always going to be something out to get him. He probably should have agreed with Hazel's terms because it helps both warrens and the Efrafan warren could have gotten stronger. I think General Woundwort doesn't want anyone to get the better of him and if he can defeat Bigwig, he'll feel like he was able to conquer his conqueror. General Woundwort probably thinks that if he is defeated by another rabbit, the rabbits in Efrafa will think he's a weak leader and they will want to leave him. If he can defeat Bigwig, then he'll think his people will think he's a strong leader.

n anzalone said...

Thanks for the thorough answer.

n anzalone said...

Ben & David,
Why did the General need to save his reputation?