Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Rabbit Heroes

When reviewing the book, a critic in the Atlanta Journal and Constitution stated, "You'll not recall nobler heroes than the rabbits seeking happiness on Watership Down." Do you agree with this statement? What makes the rabbits heroes?


Ben said...

I agree with this statement. The rabbits are hero's because they trekked for miles for what they thought was right. Also, they saved the rabbits of Efrafra from the insane general, Woundwort.

David said...

I agree. The rabbits journeyed very far to reach their goals. They also faced all the hardships along the way. They also saved the rabbits of Efrafa from General Woundwort. They are definatly heros.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the statement because these rabbits have done things that not too many other rabbits have done before. They've saved Efrafa from General Woundwort, they've trekked a long distance, and they have figured out Cowslip's conspiracy at the Warren of the Shining Wire. In my opinion, you don't need to be human and own a cape to be a hero; all you need is some brains, some brawn, and a few rabbits too!

n anzalone said...

Ben, David, and Melanie,
Which character/rabbit was the greatest hero?Why?

Anonymous said...

I think Hazel's the greatest hero because his natural instincts have saved them many times. Hazel has led them from the Sandleford Warren, through the Warren of the Shining Wire, and all the way to Watership Down, if that already doesn't make him a hero then I don't know what will. Hazel has used his little rabbit brain to solve many problems and if he can't solve them himself, then he's brave enough to ask Fiver, Blackberry, Bigwig, etc. for help too. Hazel has done many things to make himself a hero, and I think without a character like Hazel in this book, the rabbits wouldn't have made it this far and Watership Down wouldn't be as interesting as it was!