Monday, April 28, 2008

Cowslip's Warren

Why do the rabbits in Cowslip’s warren resist the knowledge of what will happen to them? Why couldn’t they change if they faced up to it? Or could they? Support your answer with details form the book. (10)


Ben said...

The rabbits of cowslips warren are nearly insane. they stay in their warren for the food, and want to increase their warren because more people coming means a smaller chance of dying, but they will tear apart a rabbit who asks "where" anything is. I think it would be possible for them to leave, but they really can't, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

I think the rabbits in Cowslip's warren because they think if they advertise there's a rabbit hunter near by, rabbits will leave the warren and they'll never have any new visitors again like Fiver and the gang. If there are less rabbits in the warren, then Cowslip's probably thinking that he'll die instead of someone else. The warren rabbits probably don't want to answer any questions because the warren rabbits think the food will stop coming if they let it slip there's a farmer. The rabbits could be thinking that, or they're just plain too stupid to realize where the food was coming from. I don't think they'll change their way of life because, like Fiver said, they've forgotten how to be rabbits. If they were to stop eating the farmer's food they would probably die. The rabbits in Cowslip's warren can't resist the good food and comfort, so they won't leave. They're also pretty crazy because they can't answer any questions. If I was Hazel, I would go nearly as crazy as the rabbits in Cowslip's warren are. Those rabbits really don't want to wake up and smell the carrots, especially when Bigwig almost died.

David said...

I think the rabbits of cowslip's warren are run by a controlling government. They are sort of stuck in their warren because of the food. Their government makes them not only stay for food, but to not answer "where" if a outsider asks it. The only fear they have is probably "will I find enough food outside the warren or am I better off staying with the warren"