Monday, April 28, 2008

Bunny Tracker

Which character undergoes the most change in the course of the journey? Support your answer with details from the book. (10)


Ben said...

I think the rabbit who changed the most was Holly, because at the beginning he tried to arrest the Watership down rabbits, and then later he trekked for miles to beg for forgiveness. Second up is Fiver, because he was insane at first be at Watership down was not afraid to be the first to swim across a raging river!

Anonymous said...

I think Bigwig undergoes the most change in the story because his attitude is always conflicting. At first, he was always wanting to control the group when they were leaving the warren. For example Bigwig said "If you'll take my advice..." acting like he was trying to control the group. He was also really loud and rude, trying to leave Fiver and Pipkin behind because they were too slow and too weak to go as fast as he could. Sometimes, Bigwig can be really mean, like the time he bit Hawkbit in the ear even though it was uncalled for. During the beginning of the journey, he was more wild and thought fighting was the only answer. When the group made it to Cowslip's warren, Bigwig became a little meeker, like the other rabbits at the new warren. Then, his attitude started changing like Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde. When he thought Fiver was being a 'jerk' he would turn into a 'Mr. Hyde,' but when he was happy, he would go back to being a 'Dr. Jeckle.' The first thing that Bigwig said after everyone thought he died was "I'll kill him." That's how I think Bigwig has changed the most throughout the story.

David said...
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David said...

I agree with Ben that the most changed character is Holly. At first he tried to arrest all the rabbits in Watership Down. Later he hikes a long ways and pleads for forgiveness of Hazel's gang. I think he learned the error of his ways and is making changes to it. I also think Fiver changed too. He was excited to cross the river because of his vision and at Watership Down he is having a mental breakdown. He is finally beginning to see reality. Bigwig has also changed by attitude. Hazel changed too. He started to change from always thinking his way is best.