Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Overcoming Challenges

Describe one of the challenges/setbacks the rabbits experience on their journey. How they overcome it?

**What obstacles can stand in the way of reaching your personal goals?


Ben said...

One of the setbacks they faced was that rabbits are not meant to go a set pace. They overcame it by trying as hard as they could, a d eventually adapting. One thing that gets in front of peoples goals is fear the they will not complete them.

Anonymous said...

One challenge the rabbits faced was leaving Cowslip's warren. Hazel and the gang (except for Fiver) were probably thinking "Why would we want to leave a place where we get good food and good homes without having to dig them?" They really didn't want to leave the warren because they thought they had really found a great new home. It took a lot of courage to overcome the fact that they wanted to leave but they didn't want to leave. The reason that some people can't accomplish their goals is because when they become an adult, they get married and have children and don't have enough time to accomplish their goals. They have to take care of their family and that takes up a lot of their time.

David said...

One of the challenges and set-backs they faced was trying to escape from Cowslip's warren. The rabbits got tied into the warren and aren't willing to leave because of the draw for food and homes.