Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Searching for a New Home

Most of the action in Watership Down centers around the rabbits' search for a new home. Compare this story to another great journey like DePrau's Ember or Sparks.

***What motivates one to better his or her way of life, even if it means enduring hardships and making sacrifices?


Anonymous said...

I think the journey made by Hazel and the other rabbits is a lot different then a journey any human could ever make. In Watership Down, Fiver knew there was a 'bad thing' coming that was going to kill all the rabbits in the warren. In the City of Ember, the people lived a sheltered life, they had no idea how bad things really were in Ember. Also, the rabbits weren't given any instructions on the perfect way to leave their warren. In City of Ember, Lina and Doon decoded the Instructions that were given to them by the Builders. If they didn't have those instructions, everybody who lived in Ember probably would have died. I think the rabbits in Watership Down are a lot smarter than the people who lived in Ember. The people who lived in Ember had everything brought to them on a silver platter. Everything they could possibly need was already there for them. In Watership Down, Hazel and the gang had to defend themselves, find their own food, and fight the elil on their own. I think the rabbits will find a better home than the Emberites because they're smarter and can determind friend or foe better, like the time Fiver figred out Cowslip's conspiricy. I think the rabbits are going on a much different journey than the emberites are and I think that makes Watership Down a more interesting read.

Ben said...

I think the journey Hazel made was a lot like the one in The City of Ember/The people of sparks because;
1. The Ember people were given a set of instructions to decode, the rabbits were given a vision to find meaning in.
2. The Ember people found new homes, the rabbits found watership down
3. The Ember people found new plants and animals, same with the rabbits.
3. At Sparks, the Ember people lived with, then fought with the people of sparks, and the rabbits were the same at cowslips warren.

David said...

I think Watership Down is a lot like the City of Ember. Lina and Doon find a set of instructions that guide them to saving their city and the pack of rabbits get a vision through Fiver. They were both successful in finding a new home (or habitat)